COVID-19 Customer Information

During the COVID-19 pandemic, we have responded by implementing a range of safeguards to ensure the safety of our staff, their families and our customers. We take pride in going the extra mile to offer the best quality product and service to support you to continue trading over the months ahead.


We’re open for business, working hard across the country to deliver for you. You can order oil or arrange a collection online for by calling your nearest Depot.


We continue to supply the best quality cooking oil. Our HACCP plan still remains effect and there has been no additional Critical Control Points added. Covid controls for visitors and staff have been updated inline with our BRC standard.


We’ve assessed the risk to the provision of goods including the ordering and supply of raw materials and packaging. We monitor our supply chain to ensure our ingredients/products are sourced from safe areas.


No Frylite employee has symptoms of COVID-19. Temperature checks and a COVID-19 questionnaire/self declaration are carried out daily for all Frylite staff reporting for work.


Our staff have been advised to wash their hands on a regular basis and have been provided with sanitising gels that contain 60% alcohol for every vehicle. Our staff have been advised to use these gels throughout the day where hand washing cannot be achieved. Staff have been advised to avoid shaking hands and close contact gatherings.


When signing for a delivery or collection, alcohol wipes are supplied in all vehicles and our delivery staff have received training on cleaning down handheld devices and equipment between uses.


All staff have been supplied with a face mask to assist and have been advised to wear face masks in accordance with the latest Public Health advice.


Our vehicles are washed thoroughly inside and disinfected daily to prevent the spread of COVID-19.


We have implemented a range of new standard operating procedures within our business to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and all our staff have been trained on these new standards.


Frylite continue to SUPPLY Quality Cooking Oil, COLLECT Used Cooking Oil and CONVERT Used Cooking Oil into renewable energy.

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Frylite is Ireland’s leading supplier of fresh cooking oil and collector of waste oil. With a reputation that has been built on exceptional quality products and service, we have an unbeatable wealth of knowledge and expertise of the food service sector throughout Ireland. At Frylite, we provide the complete oil management system, with a ground breaking all in one oil supply and waste collection service.

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